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PDA Girls Soccer Club - Special Olympics/Soccer Marathon


Every year the PDA Soccer Club hosts a sponsored event to raise money for the Special Olympics New Jersey.


​Special Olympics New Jersey is very proud to have Players Development Academy

as a Partner for over 10 years.  Each year, the PDA family has rallied around their

soccer marathon that has benefitted the 26,000 Special Olympics New Jersey

dedicated athletes who train and compete throughout the Garden State in 24 sports.















To provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities by giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy, and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills, and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community.  To learn more about the organization, visit



Special Olympics New Jersey will foster inclusive communities for people with and without intellectual disabilities through innovative sporthealthwellness and leadership opportunities for Special Olympics athletes, their families and society as a whole.



Athlete Leadership, Camp Shriver, Healthy Communities, Sports Training and Competition, Unified Champion Schools, and the Young Athletes are all instrumental programs that are changes lives of individuals with intellectual disabilities.

Core Values:

  • Innovation – To promote an organizational culture that seeks new ideas and advances the mission of Special Olympics

  • Excellence – The standard measure for superior execution and outcome of every dimension of activity and service conducted by Special Olympics New Jersey

  • Integrity – To execute the mission of Special Olympics with a commitment to transparency, honesty and the highest ethical conduct

  • Respect – A commitment to the value of each and every individual and an acknowledgment of their unique talents and achievements

  • Inclusion – To connect people of all abilities by creating opportunities with a purpose of building lasting friendships, rooted in mutual respect and acceptance


Social Media:

Facebook – @SONewJersey               

Instagram - @SONewJersey               

Twitter - @specialolymipcsnj


There is always a need to have more volunteers to join in making an impact on the Special Olympics Movement. There is an opportunity for everyone. Volunteer positions are available for athlete driven events and fundraising events. There are group opportunities too! Visit to learn more about getting started and being a part of the fun.

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